Ensure Sustainability of your Software

Do you know how your application portfolio maps out in terms of risks that might prevent you from achieving your business objectives?

03/08/2021 Theis Eichel, Vice President of Advisory at 7N

What can you expect to learn from this article?

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    Learn how 7N can help you measure, compare, and evaluate your application portfolio with our Performance Platform.

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    Get insights to the Performance Platform - how the assessment works and what results it generates.

The technical state and maturity of software applications are difficult to gain evidence-based insight into as source code is complex and requires “hands-on” knowledge. Additionally, source code is often rooted in external suppliers or spread among employees over time. Thus, it is no wonder if you miss the grand overview of the many applications that your business depends on.

The 7N Performance Platform helps you assess your software portfolio

We offer a tangible way to measure, compare, and evaluate your application portfolio. Our Performance Platform is an ecosystem of analysis built upon international standards, fueled by data, and driven by experts to help deliver actionable insights.

The end result of an Application Portfolio Assessment(APA) is a portfolio heatmap, indicating where to improve, rationalize, and prioritize. Through the assessment, we will help you answer the following:

Whether your applications are aligned with your business objectives
The assessment will evaluate which applications support your business priorities, where your IT function should put their efforts, and help build a roadmap of your application portfolio.

Which of your applications are of the highest value to you
Many organizations struggle with assessing the value of their application portfolio in an objective manner. The results of an APA will provide you with a way to benchmark the business impact of your applications, which will help ease the exercise of prioritization.

If your resources are optimally assigned to ensure healthy and sustainable applications
Too many applications or too few resources will lead to capacity problems. This results in poor software quality and, thus, higher maintenance and security risks. An APA will provide insights into the distribution of your resources and help determine where you have capacity risks and where you can free up reallocated resources.

How can you get started with an Application Portfolio Assessment?
At 7N, we can quickly and objectively measure the sustainability of your applications, and provide objective insights into your application portfolio, along with pragmatic and actionable recommendations on how to improve your current situation by applying the right software metrics.

Want to learn how we can help you?
Interested in learning more about 7N and how we can help you? Schedule a meeting to hear about your opportunities with us!